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6 Ways To Prevent COVID-19 In Your Restaurant

Writer's picture: Eco Cleaning ServicesEco Cleaning Services

For restaurants nowadays, cleanliness is the secret to new and repeat customers...

The bad news is: the world is still learning how to live with the threat of coronavirus.

The good news is: we're learning how to do this without going into a second lockdown, meaning restaurants are able to open -- so long as they a) keep to the rules and b) do everything they can to keep their space safe.

That second point is crucial because not only is a clean restaurant absolutely crucial to stopping the spread and keeping your customer's safe during the COVID-19 pandemic, but it also critical for your business. After all, creating the optimal and safest customer experience should be every eateries top priority during these uncertain times.

That's how important cleanliness has become. It's what fills your employee with pride, let's your diner's know you are taking their safety seriously and fills everyone that enter's your premises with confidence (which could turn into good reviews). Quite rightly, people are being extra cautious right now and picking places to dine where they believe they will be safe. That's why restaurants need to prove they are going above and beyond to keep their customers safe while still delivery the tastiest food. But more than that, most customers now put the two together. A clean restaurant equals quality grub, and that is what will make them come back again and tell their friends they need to try your place out ASAP!

Basically, at a time when restaurants, bars and pubs need new and repeat customers more than ever, it's up to you to create that trust and it starts with cleanliness.

If you need help with this, the best thing you can do is give us a call because deep cleaning restaurants is our jam. But for now, here's 7 ways to combat coronavirus in your restaurant:

1. Trust The Processes. They'll Work.

Every type of restaurant will have a different set of cleaning procedures to follow, which is because each restaurant has different deep cleaning needs. For those restaurants that are part of a bigger franchise, you've probably been given a comprehensive set of cleaning checklists from those at HQ instructing you on how to handle COVID-19 cleaning needs. There will have been a lot of research put into these, so they're a great guideline to follow.

For those that run or own an independent restaurant however, it's essential to create your own procedures so that you're able to stay on top of your deep cleaning needs and keep your premises safe. From increased cleaning to prepping to making your shift changes safe and your opening hours compliant -- everything that will make sure your business runs smoothly during these crazy times.

If you haven't been handed a Covid-focussed cleaning checklist or haven't created your own one yet, we have created one with the proper cleaning procedures based on the Government guidelines.

2. Your Restaurant Needs Team Accountability

In order to make your restaurant safe and secure, it's absolutely, completely, 100% crucial you get everyone in your team onboard with the procedures so that everyone is going above and beyond to keep your premises safe. Everyone. Not just your superstar employees or managers or supervisors. Everyone.

Now we know this sounds like a major migraine-maker, but it doesn't have to be. The trick is making it easy for yourself, and that's easily done by measuring your processes so that you know what is being done each day to make your spaces safe spaces, which areas are worth celebrating and which areas need improving. And if that isn't possible with the team you have, we can tailor our services to your needs.

3. Making Accountability Measurable

The first thing to say out loud is, "we can always improve." That goes for whatever method you are using to measure your restaurant's accountability, whether that's paper checklists stuck to the walls, whiteboards in your staff room, ring binders full of tick sheets or anything else you're using to keep track of your cleanliness.

There is one big problem with measuring tasks like this, however, and that's the black or white feedback you get. They only tell you whether a task has been one or not, and even that's based on your employee's saying they've been done. What you want is as much information as possible. When it was cleaned, how it was cleaned, who cleaned it, what products were used, add photos of the space after it's been cleaned, anything you can. But more than that, you need to be able to trust and leverage the information that is being collected.

4. Real-Time Adjustments Are A Must

Think about the way you approach food safety in your restaurant. For instance, to make sure that gourmet chicken burger is cooked to the correct temperature, you use a probe and measure it. If it's not hitting the right notes, you turn up the heat and keep cooking it. That same approach can work with your cleaning needs.

It's about measuring your team's accountability in real time so that you can react there and then to keep your premises safe and your reputation high. What's more, you can apply this to all your procedures: cleaning checklists, cleaning supplies, disinfecting, closing up tasks, shifts, everything. And should the standards slip somewhere, rally the team and find a solution together right there and then.

5. Go Above & Beyond Beyond the Checklist

Perception is reality. That's why it's so important you make a show out of your cleanliness and the processes you use to make sure your restaurant is kept clean and safe from COVID. Now, obviously, the best thing you can do here is regularly clean your premises because that's what your customers are going to see first hand. But there are other things you can do to make your customer's aware of the efforts and precautions taken.

Have the guys at Copper Milk Creative design you an on-brand checklist that you can stick on the walls throughout your place so people can see what your team dos without it being an eyesore. Utilise your social media following so that your followers can either see your team deep cleaning before the doors open or they can read about your efforts. better yet, celebrate your team's work ethic and dedication on your website, either on the homepage, in a pop-up or on the booking page. Whatever you can do to make your cleanliness a reason for people to book, do it.

6. Hire A Professional Deep Cleaning Company

The dream scenario for your restaurant is to make sure your premises is clean and consistent, which is why we recommend taking this responsibility out of your employee's hands and hiring a professional cleaning service (you know, like us). Not only will you get the accountability you want, but you and your team will be able top concentrate on the service and experience you provide your customer's, safe in the knowledge a dedicated and professional cleaning service is disinfecting your space with the best products and techniques.

Thanks for reading! For more information, advice or helpful hacks, come and follow us on LinkedIn. Thanks again.


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