The professional cleaning service you've always dreamed of, fact.

We are more than just your normal professional commercial cleaners. So much more.
Sure. We do all the normal commercial cleaning stuff. The boring bits you need doing. We just do it differently. Oh-so-differently. And that's because we believe great cleaning is about more than just mopping your floors and wiping your windows. We believe it's about offering a good service. Proper good. The best, even.
But here's the best bit: we're not going to bore you with a lecture all about how we clean, the eco-awesome products we use or the wipe on, wipe off technique we were taught by Grandma Miyagi. That would require too much yawning.
We'd much rather say, forget about keeping your business clean and consider it done. Not to over-simplify it or anything, but we're basically a fast, friendly and fully-functional team of cleaning heroes that are worshipped throughout the UK. We're like skilled ninjas with decades of experience, except we fight dirt and grime and do it with a smile.
So whatever your industry and whatever your business, contact us to find out just how we can help you look the best you.
Okay-okay, but what makes us the most awesomely professional corporate cleaning service?

With more than 15 years of experience (15 years!), Eco Cleaning Services has built an incredible reputation as reliable, approachable and really good at making places gleam, with the cleanest clients in so many industries:
Shopping Centres and Retails Parks
Restaurants, Public Houses & Hotels
Managing Agents and Property Owners
Local Authorities
Private Schools and Nurseries
Commercial Offices
Retail Banking and Financial Offices
Manufacturing and Engineering

Simple. Our focus has always been to achieve and maintain the highest levels of cleanliness - spick and spanness - so that our clients can focus on the more important bits of their business. That's the goal right there, and it's why we train our super-skilled cleaning heroes to be discreet, carrying out their work with zero disruptions, while making sure every work space is able to function as it needs to. Wait for it. Our service might be invisible but our results can't be ignored.
Offices in Sheffield, Leicestershire, Manchester and London.



The 3 T's: We're Tried, True and Tested
When you've being doing this as long as we have, you start to pick up a few things, expand your range of services and, best of all, build the greatest team ever (excluding the Avengers). And that's exactly what we have. We have a team with every ounce of know-how needed to get the job done to the highest standard ever. That's basically what we're about: providing absolute professionalism in everything we do, which is why we take great pride in leaving our customers’ totally satisfied with our work.
We don't settle for standard, we set the standards.
Hover over the images to read
our client testimonials.


Safehouse Security provides a complete range of security guard services throughout the UK, delivered by our team of fully SIA licensed, badged and trained security professionals.
Working across an wide scope of industries, our services include door supervision, static and mobile guard services, and parking attendants, which we provide to the corporate sector, construction sites, retail establishments, industrial warehouses, one off events and more.